LINDSEY & GLADIE Milestone Feature


By: Mylene Campos

Being married may have its series of disheartening disagreements, which often leaves married couples to think if it gets easier through time. But it does. It truly gets better, especially for Lindsey and Gladie Bugay. The couple has been married for 11 years.


NO REGRETS | When asked if they could turn back time, the couple responded to having no regrets with all of the decisions that they’ve made together. “There are no thoughts of ‘what ifs’ for us. For every decision and step that we’ll take, we’ll always assure ourselves that we won’t regret doing any of it. Things may not end up the way we planned it. So whatever the result may be, we will accept it. What matters most is that life goes on. We may not be where we are today if we continued to dwell on our past mistakes and experiences. It's God’s will for us.”


The couple wed when Lindsey was 27, while Gladie was 25. She shared how it was her ideal marrying age, as she felt ready in all aspects. “I married the man of my dreams, my childhood sweetheart, my overprotective, sweet and jealous boyfriend.” Lindsey, on the other hand, decided to ask her hand in marriage after being together for 6 years. Working abroad as a flight instructor at Malaysia Flying Academy made him miss her terribly. Moreover, being in a long distance relationship wasn’t easy given that he was also the jealous and possessive type. He shared, “I badly wanted to take her to Malaysia with me. But we lacked the necessary preparation to make a big wedding happen. So we chose to have our civil wedding first.” The couple had their civil wedding in July 2007, followed by a church wedding the following year (June 21, 2008).

MARRIAGE LIFE | Life after the marriage has grown deeper and stronger for the couple. To know that you’re waking up for someone you love can be the best motivation and inspiration in life. Gladie shared moments like, “waking up with someone you love, having to prepare meals for him, and in return be asked how my day went, is my married life. It's spending your days with someone who you can share the intimacy, love, and commitment with.”


THROUGH TOUGH TIMES | According to Psalm 68:19, “ Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” The couple believes that "marriage is a complex matter. It's not just a piece of cake that you can swallow. You will need to consider everything around you and your partner like accepting their family and their whole being. Now, the adjustments and changes will stir your being. But as long as you put everything in the Lord, things will work out for the better."


Married life can be thrown with a lot of challenges, disappointments, and misunderstandings. But the Lord said (Ephesians 5:22-23), “wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.” The couple cherishes these verses and shared that "the message is effective if you keep it in your mind whenever you're arguing. You should also be able to lower your pride. If you need to give up your nightlife with friends, your career, do so, especially if you're making decisions for the whole family. You should also know your priorities like your kids because they will need more of your attention and precious time. The family is all that matters. And Jesus should always be at the center of your relationship."


Despite life’s challenges, Gladie has never thought about giving up on her marriage. She said, “it has never crossed my mind. Why would I give up my answered prayer? No one’s perfect, but he is to me. He is the only half that will make me whole.” Lindsey also shared that “as a pilot, there’s this so-called label of being a ‘chick boy’. But I never fail to remind my wife that she’s my everything and that I love her imperfections. She’s the only one who I want to spend my life with. A person's beauty may fade, and material things can go out-of-date. But my affection, devotedness, and fondness for her will remain forever.”

STARTING A FAMILY | Having kids were already in the couple’s plans. They even planned on having a baby soon after their church wedding. But it was only two years after when God blessed them with their eldest daughter Glasey. A few years later, Sofiel was born. They originally wanted four kids but already felt content with their two beautiful and loving daughters. They also shared that “raising kids nowadays will require a 100% from you. They will need more time and attention.”


Gladie also shared that the joy from hearing her child's first cry was outweighed by the pain of giving birth. "All the sacrifices from the first trimester up until now - as we see them grow up - are all worth it. We love what we are doing, and we love taking care of them. We always bring the kids to all of our travels. They may not remember every little thing that we’ve done for them. But as parents, we will always remember every detail that has brought happiness in their childhood.”


GRATEFUL | When asked to describe their life now, they responded with two powerful words: blessed and fulfilled. They may not be rich. But they’re thankful to be living a comfortable life. “It is not the same as before because it has been a life worth living more now.”


MARRIAGE ADVICE | “Pray. Make prayer a first priority instead of the last resort. Ask God to prepare someone who's meant for you. Also, don’t be in a rush. Everything will fall into place in God’s perfect time. For those who’ve already met ‘the one’, make sure to look at your partners. Do you see them as a loving wife/husband? Do you see her as the future mother of your child? Do you see him carrying you when your arthritis attacks? If yes, then prepare yourself. Through God’s will, you will experience genuine happiness.”

A MESSAGE TO EACH OTHER | Like an exchange of vows, the couple also shared their uplifting messages to each other.

Gladie: “Baby, just like I’ve promised you, I’ll always be here to support you, and to love you with all that I am. I may not be a perfect wife and mother, but I assure you that I’ll be the best version for you. Thank you for giving me all of you, for offering your shoulder when I am tired, and for wiping my tears. I am grateful for those lips that have never failed to say those eight lovely letters. I LOVE YOU with the love of the Lord. I pray that together, we’ll be able to raise our children as God-fearing individuals. We’ll show them how beautiful life is. And to you my loving Captain, I’ll always choose to ride my flight with you.”

Lindsey: “I will still want you in my life even after decades have passed. Over anything else, know that I will always keep choosing you and our kids. I am devoting my all to our family. So let the challenges flow because I know that those won’t knock us down. These challenges will only serve as our foundation to be stronger together. Remember that we have our two charming princesses and that you will always be my beautiful queen. I love you for who you are. I’ve seen the best and worst part of you, yet what I feel for you is still the same. My love for you will never get old, and will only grow deeper and deeper.”


