Photo by: Elmer Castor

A woman’s role changes even more when she becomes a mother. She embodies the role of a nurturer who sees you through as she bears you in her womb, gives birth to you despite the labor pains, raises you through good and bad times, and loves and guides you at all costs. Like how a lioness is to her cubs, a mother will protect and defend you to the best of her abilities. Most importantly, she will be a shoulder to lean on throughout this journey called life.


A mother’s love is a precious gift from God. They are present in our lives to care and nurture us, to nourish us, and most especially, to teach us about life. She will be there to carry you until you can walk on your own, and hold your hand until you’re ready to grasp someone else's.


But her nurturing ways will never end. She will continue to get excited over throwing parties in your honor, especially on your 1st and 7th birthdays. She will take all the sleepless nights so she could finish all of your party decorations. She might even try her luck at baking your cake (to make it more special for you) and even play the role of an event organizer. She will be there to make sure your celebration is one to remember.


Joanne Contreras, who’s a mother of two young boys, shared that, “being a mother means being able to love unconditionally with no boundaries nor limits. It’s like your heart grows double or triple its size that it gets filled with so much love and happiness that you think it might explode. You become selfless because your life is not yours anymore. Your life is your kids now. It's also feeling terrified at times when you're not able to prevent their pain, sickness or heartbreak. Being a mother means preparing them to face the REAL world. It's a blessing and a priceless gift that a woman could ever receive.”


Photo by: Ryan Aguas

Our mother is also our very first best friend. She will be there to pick outfits with you for your debut and be your ever supportive fashion consultant. She will make sure to bring you to supplier meetings on schedule, not only to secure their services and sign contracts but to also teach you the importance of being present. This manner will teach you to appreciate the meaning of work ethic and to value other people’s time. She will tell you what hard work means and share to you her motivation for waking up in the morning: YOU. She wakes up for the people she loves, especially for you. “Being a mother is having the power to do anything and everything for her children. It also means sacrificing everything for them,” shared Mary Jane Fitzsimmons, mom to Ashlee.


Our mothers will continue to teach us things that will help us live independently. But they will also be present when the going gets tough. She will be there to calm us down and help guide our focus in the right direction. She will be there to tell us that we have the courage and strength to get through difficult times, even if we fail to see things through.


Our mother is also our confidant. She’s one of the first people we seek out when something important happens in our lives. They’re one of the few people who we call when we finally ace an exam that we’ve been studying so hard for, or when you finally get the approval to graduate. She’s also one of the people who we call when we land our first job, our first promotion, and even our first wedding proposal. Our mothers will be there for us to act as an unofficial wedding consultant. She will be there to help you pick out and order wedding stationery, help you create your guest list, go with you to supplier meetings and fittings, and even play the role of your special wedding coordinator. A bride or groom’s mother will be happy to do all of these things. This will, undoubtedly, make her emotional but happy because your milestone is something that she’s always dreamt of witnessing since you were young.


A mother’s love is one of the best gifts that anyone could receive. Her efforts are limitless, and are often, unrewarded. But as long as she sees you smiling and celebrating life, that’s all that she could ever ask for.


Kiss and hug your mother today. Pay tribute and always thank God for her existence.

Proverbs 23:25 (NIV) “May your father and mother rejoice; may she who gave you birth be joyful!”





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